Our very own “Red Rider BB Gun”

We are on our 2nd Jolly Jumper. We bought a used Jolly Jumper on a Stand because we don’t have doorways convenient  where we hang out. We quickly found out just how much he loves to jump! It’s crazy to watch. We sent videos to the family and face-timed a time or two and EVERY TIME we hear “don’t leave him in it too long – he’ll go bowlegged” or some such comment! It’s crazy. This device does not take his body weight on his feet. He can barley get the ball of his foot down fit he is fitted correctly. But because he’s not small we only had a chance to use the smaller stand jumper for mere days before he ran out of settings that worked. Time to list it back in Craigslist.


Cue the new and improved Jolly Jumper with Super stand – it’s beyond amazing and there’s10-12 settings before we have to get creative on hooking it up!!! Worth every penny. The wee has learned to hit down with a heel – turn all the way around to check things out that interest him and switch feet as well as just hang down to slow down. I really have not experienced or seen anything like it. He’s adapted so quickly and is a jumping fiend!!!!!!! Strengthening those legs a little time each day.


But back to my Red Rider reference. Maybe it’s a generational thing but the bow legged myth has (to my knowledge) been put to rest. He’s learning how to both bear a little weight and find his center of gravity. He’s having fun and this activity is developmentally stimulating!

The best part is when we put the door mirror behind him and he jumps while watching the Pesky Baby jump with him! It’s awesome.

But the feedback from family has us simply sighing and thinking “he’ll put his eye out…” you got to laugh.

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