Pushing stroller up hills

It’s time to start working on losing my “kangaroo pouch”. Since having the wee one I haven’t been back to either yoga or the gym. AND I don’t think the gym will be on the docket until we’re settled in the new house. It was the teenage girl incident that really had me thinking about getting out of my flip flops and into sneakers. Then that started the whole “will I fit in my old clothes” which started the “holy shit I have a kangaroo pouch when i try to wear anything without a draw string”…and that started a whole debate about how best to get started. Suffice it to say I’ve been out hiking in 3 different baby carriers and think I’ve found one that we can put some miles in. (Nothing makes you feel your “pouch” like the waist strap of a baby carrier…)

I am excited to get back out on the trails even if it’s not pretty. Off road strollers are not REALLY for off road. Or if they are they aren’t made for Colorado single track. We decided to hike a trail in Golden called North Table Mountain. Great trail but the start and end are uphill. Way uphill but stroller friendly. I am sad to say that it was the most sweating I have done since 63 hours of labor! But uphill and around we went and it was awesome!!

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4 thoughts on “Pushing stroller up hills”

  1. I jealous! I miss the gym. I’m ready to get rid of my ‘pouch’ too. So I’ve been pushing the stroller around our neighborhood & up some decent hills (but not as steep as your trail and also strolling on concrete not dirt). It also helps that I’m GF *and* DF (gluten/dairy free) now because the babes can’t handle dairy. No more pizza with cheese, no more cream cheese, no more thick slices of cheddar on a sandwich…*drool*…XOXO

    1. Oh my – you have made me so sad. Pizza, cream cheese, cheddar on a sandwich. Holy hell everything is better with cheddar!!! I had forgotten. We are in the throws of “farm food” with our CSA. Have to get through all the fruit and veg from the farm for the week before we even think about other food. There really are only so many things you can do with garlic scapes. But I really really really want the pouch gone. A little compression with the kid carrier is all it took!

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